Airport | Typical tow days | Tow rates | Contacts | Comments |
Heber | ||||
Logan | ||||
Morgan | Saturdays. Others times arranged with tow pilots. | $50 per year dues for non-equity membership in Elk Mountain Soaring $25 for 0 - 1000 feet $2 per hundred additional feet | Lynn Alley 801-979-8482 Dan Thirkill 801-898-2167 | Tow pilot contact info given after joining Elk Mountain Soaring |
Nephi | Fri to Sun | Utah Soaring Association Limited membership ($125) or above $2.50 per 100' plus $5 Minimum charge $25 (800' tow) | John Gonthier 435-640-3978 | Call John Gonthier 435-640-3978 to confirm tow availability |